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Diablo 4 S3 Most Formidable Fury Barbarian Build

Welcome to the only guide you will ever need for one of the most powerful Barbarian builds you can find. This build is so strong, it even pushes other builds out of the way in sheer might. And when it comes to generating power, this build does it four times over. Combine this build with some nifty tactics and gear, and you'll be leaving enemies obliterated in your wake. And do you know what the best part is? You don't need any Uber unique items to do it.


Diablo 4 S3 Most Formidable Fury Barbarian Build


How It Works

In order to understand how this build works, you have to look at how all its moving parts come together and move as one unit. Each aspect of this build is designed to trigger overpowers with a number of different methods: Sundered Ground's aspect; Banished Lords Talisman; Earth Striker's aspect; Bone Breaker's node; and spending Fury strategically. On top of that high scaling from Upheaval makes this thing an unstoppable force.


This build also doubles up as a hybrid setup that includes Charge. Why? Because stacking stats for monumental Charge damage means using two abilities kills two birds with one stone: killing enemies faster.


Gear and Aspects

For whatever reason you might think a helmet has, raw power is going to be yours with Tus Helm of Yitz. If Shako feels right then go ahead by all means — but there isn't much point when Tus Helm does what it does exceptionally well already thanks to its exceptional strength. The chest piece should use Juggernaut's aspect for top tier armor efficiency.


When selecting gloves (and everything else too really), focus on strength or overpower bonuses above all else — these are going amplify your damage more than anything else can or will do. Sundered Ground is not optional for gloves because without those reduced cooldowns when attacking elites or bosses, your overpowers just won't be ready often enough.


You're going to need Tip Bolt's Will on your legwear, it's that simple. It will provide the necessary Fury generation you'll be needing. Boots are your resistances and Ghost Walker's aspect — they'll also enhance movement speed which is a nice bonus. You don't really need to focus on the ins-and-outs of boots for this build as there are other places you can get your boots and still have them work.


When choosing weapons, you should be looking at the attributes all stats, strength, overpower, and damage while berserking. Earth Striker's aspect is an absolute must-have on your main hammer because the double-damage overpower ability it gives you will basically cut enemies in half before they even realize what's happening. For secondary maces use Conceited's aspect and Ancestral Charge's aspect to bolster your Charge ability.


Your amulet should be Banished Lord's Talisman because it will give you steady overpowers when spending Fury. Choose Ravenous Ring and Ring of Red Fura for rings to boost Earth Striker's aspect and Upheaval's critical hit potential.



Skill Tree Mastery

Huge spoiler alert: The skill tree is huge for this build. Starting out with imposing defense nodes is a good way to go about maxing out your life total. Maybe check out Marshall Vigor afterward if you’re lacking any more vitality than that. Rallying Cry and its strategic variant are non-negotiable for fortify effects.


Iron Skin has both durability and healing if you combine it with its tactical counterpart Iron Reflexes so definitely don't sleep on those two defensive properties...because we know how important defense is here! Brawling skills like War Cry and Power Charge are key for resetting your Charge ability when needed — trust us, they'll come in handy eventually.


Lastly, Wrath of the Berserker and Unbridled Rage are pivotal for ramping up damage through Fury expenditure so try and get those ASAP.



Paragon Board Strategy

The exploit glyph is your first destination along the Paragon board journey. Then you’ll want to hit up boards like Bone Breaker and Carnage for their legendary nodes and glyphs, which will enhance damage multiplicatively (we all know that's a good thing). The berserking bonuses of Blood Rage's legendary node are essential as well.


Gameplay Tips & Build Planner

When push comes to shove, try a mix of Charge and Upheaval for those pesky elite packs. Use Wrath of the Berserker if you need an extra push or Iron Skin when things start getting hairy. Your rage-filled shouts are good for other things too!


For bosses, stack Earth Striker charges with weapon swaps before going toe-to-toe with your foe. Once you're ready, swap out Charge for Whirlwind and unleash your inner fury! After three fiery blasts, use all of your skills at once and finish it off with a massive Upheaval.


Build Planner



Now that you've got everything you need to know about the Barbarian build, no one will ever stand in your way again! With simple strategies that don't require fancy gear, you'll be tearing through monsters like a hot knife through butter. Adapt this build as needed and show everyone who's boss!

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