D4 Items / Distilled Fear

Distilled Fear

Distilled Fear

Diablo 4 Distilled Fear: Sommoning Materials forBeast in the Ice

  • Season 7 - SC
  • 5 ~ 30 Mins
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6

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Ratings and Reviews

Average user rating
4.9 / 5
4.9 out of 5 (from 12 Customers ratings)

Rating breakdown

5 ★
Votes(11) / 91.7%
4 ★
Votes(1) / 8.3%
02 Feb
5 / 5

D4MATS really delivers on their Diablo IV service. Impressive!

13 Jan
5 / 5

D4MATS's Distilled Fear service is the best thing to happen to D4 since sliced bread.

08 Jan
5 / 5

Diablo IV Distilled Fear from D4MATS is the way to go.

06 Jan
5 / 5

The Distilled Fear service from D4MATS has greatly improved my enjoyment of Diablo IV.

21 Dec
5 / 5

I've been playing this Diablo IV Distilled Fear non-stop. It's a definite 5-star product.

Distilled Fear Description

If you want to Sommoning the Beast in the Ice, then Distilled Fear is a must-have material for Diablo 4 players. It is not as difficult to get it as some other materials, however, its drop rate is low.


How To Get The Distilled Fear In Diablo 4

To get Distilled Fear players must first be able to prove their worthiness by levelling up to a certain level of power and strength. Once this stage has been reached, they should proceed into Nightmare Dungeons of Tier 30 or more. Triumphing over these daunting challenges gives players a chance to claim Distilled Fear from the fallen dungeon boss. Nine units of this material are needed for summoning The Beast in the Ice.


Diablo 4 Summoning The Beast in the Ice

With nine Distilled Fears at hand one can summon The Beast in the Ice. 


These are steps that one can follow:

1. Seek out Occultist.

2. Navigate through Craft Sigils.

3. Create a Glacial Fissure.

4. Use your inventory and activate the Glacial Fissure Nightmare Sigil which will start off with a dungeon encounter.


Loot from The Beast In The Ice

The Beast in the Ice offers an astonishing loot upon defeat including plenty of unique items designed specifically for each class as well as others that can be used by any classes universally. Anyone who emerges victorious after this may expect substantial rewards for their troubles.

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